Glenview, Illinois 60025
Are Wrongful Death Claims Only for Car Crashes?
Car accidents claim lives every day. On March 4th, a Cook County Sheriff’s patrol car hit a pedestrian in Glenview. The victim was transported to the hospital in critical condition, where her family later had to remove her from life support. In 2022, motor vehicle crashes caused 1,268 deaths in Illinois.
When someone else’s intentional acts or negligence causes deaths, the victims’ families may be entitled to compensation through wrongful death and survival actions. However, car accidents are not the only kinds of incidents that could make you eligible to file these claims. If you believe you have a qualifying case, one of our knowledgeable Glenview, IL wrongful death lawyers can evaluate your situation during a free consultation.
What Kinds of Incidents Can Lead to Wrongful Death Claims?
Any kind of motor vehicle crash, including pedestrian, truck, car, motorcycle, and bicycle accidents, can be fatal. Assaults and fights, along with other forms of intentional harm, can also result in death. Falls on someone else’s property and dog attacks may lead to fatalities. Many other situations could also qualify. Generally speaking, if the victim qualified to file a personal injury claim had he or she lived, eligible surviving family members can benefit from wrongful death and survival actions.
Most personal injury and wrongful death cases require you to prove that the accident happened due to negligence. Negligence refers to careless errors that could endanger others. Speeding, failing to yield the right of way, and drunk driving are examples of negligence that often lead to collisions. Your lawyer can investigate to gather evidence to support your claim.
What Are Wrongful Death and Survival Actions?
A survival action seeks compensation for the losses suffered by the victim, and a wrongful death claim addresses the family’s losses. Sometimes, accidents are not immediately fatal. The victim may undergo intensive medical treatments, only to eventually pass away. While alive, that person accumulated substantial medical bills. If a motor vehicle collision caused the injuries, the victim’s vehicle may have been totaled. Extreme pain and suffering may have accompanied the unsuccessful medical care. A survival action can provide the family with funds to cover the financial losses, which could also include funeral and burial expenses.
A successful wrongful death claim compensates the victim’s family for things like loss of companionship and support, loss of inheritance, loss of services, loss of income and benefits, and emotional pain and suffering. While money could never replace your loved one, it can provide you with a sense of justice and give you some financial breathing room as you adjust to your new circumstances.
Contact Our Skilled Northbrook, IL Wrongful Death Attorneys
When a preventable accident or intentional behavior takes the life of a loved one, a compassionate Cook County, IL personal injury lawyer from Gruzmark Law, Ltd. can help you hold the at-fault party accountable. Call 847-729-7660 or contact us online today. We speak Spanish, Russian, and Mongolian.